
the witty words of a would-be writer

The War of Art

The War of ArtI’m reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. He writes about the resistance that all writers face. All the things in life that we let distract us from writing.

What I love about his message is that it makes a lot of sense to me. I know a lot of writers and most of us are distracted by life.

Very few of us are disciplined, consistent, bull headed and professional about our writing. We do a bit now and again and it satisfies something in us.

But maybe that’s not enough – for me anyway. Ever feel that slightly gnawing sense of not being happy with your life?

For me  its when I’m not following my calling to write, write and write. To immerse myself in the process, to improve my craft and to keep doing it – no matter what.

We all listen to the negative voice which says things like – Come on! Its more important to get the housework done/wash the car/ go on holidays/ attend that conference/ eat chocolate.

The negative voice questions us all the time: Why on earth do you think you’re any good? Who wants to read your stuff anyway? You’re never going to finish that novel so why try?

The negative voice can get nasty: You weren’t born to be a writer. Others are much more talented! Why not make yourself a nice cold drink and forget about it?

Its only as I write out the negative voice that I realize it has a lot to say!

But what about my other voice – the voice inside me that wants me to express myself?

If I listen to that voice, I know that I will be happier, more satisfied and more fulfilled in life. Simple as.

So I’m writing every day. I’m writing fresh material, or editing material.

I’m involved with two writers groups. I’m reviewing and contributing to others work. I’m getting involved.

I’m sending work off to publishers and competitions.

I see writing as vital and essential to my life. Writing is a core part of my life.

And that feels so right.

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About Me

Emma is a writer based in Hollywood, Co Wicklow, Ireland.
